“The Garden Year has no beginning and no end”

~Elizabeth Lawrence

Veggie + Flower Farming

Veggie + Flower Farming is so much more than popping some seeds or plant starts in the ground and hoping for success. It’s creating an oasis, a space for a mental health break, a way to immerse yourself in creativity, to support yourself and your family with healthy food, beauty and so much more. And it’s the “Farming” part that makes it even more unique.

Historically, Farmers have focused on creating optimal growing conditions by cultivating a self sustaining ecosystem within their growing space. So that every plant, pollinator, and yes, even some insects all do their jobs to keep their gardens and crops thriving

It doesn’t matter if you have a sprawling rose garden, a couple of raised beds in your back yard or acres of land. The fundamentals are the same. Coaxing the land around you into being in harmony with itself, through both design and a special skill set will in turn bring in more bounty and beauty for you. 

Whether this is your first introduction to Veggie + Flower Farming, or if you’re a seasoned “Green Thumb”, all are welcome and I’m so happy to have you here! 

  • Plant It

    It starts with an idea, a dream and a seed. For me it started one spring with a few flower seeds a friend gave me. Now I plant every season of the year. Whether it’s summer crops, winter crops, cover crops to improve my soil, or seed starting, my hands are in the dirt all year long. I’d love to bring you along on the journey of taking advantage of each planting season!

  • Grow It

    The growing stage of your garden is a fun, fascinating and fulfilling experience. It that allows you to connect with nature, learn new skills, and enjoy the process of nurturing your plant babies from tiny seed to harvest. It provides a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and joy. I'd love to help you learn the skills, tips and tricks to help you cultivate your own thriving garden space.

  • Harvest It

    Harvesting and preserving can be an intimidating process; at least I know it was for me when I first started. But that's where I get to step in as your Garden Mentor. Whether you want to learn about canning, freezing or making farm to table meals straight from the garden, I'm your girl. I have cultivated many skills, creative recipes and resources throughout the years that I’d love to share with you!